Saturday, December 11, 2010

Jonathan Alt Snee Paper-Final

Well, the movie is complete. It was such a blast to make. I love using iMovie. It is a lot of fun. Especially now that I know how to import clips from YouTube! This project went really well. I was originally going to do a movie about the irony of the world. But then I remembered that Michael Moore does something like that in all of his movies, so what is the point really? So, I was walking to class one day and the idea popped in my head that I would have the USA go to war against Canada. I really think I got the inspiration for most of it from South Park. They portray Canadians in a certain way, which makes it funny for all audiences. That is also why I put in clips from the South Park movie. Blame Canada, the song that Kyle’s mom sings is perfect. In my movie, the USA has no one to blame but our neighbors to the north. The most ironic part of the movie, I think, is when I take a blank picture of USA Today and put the headline “USA GOES TO WAR AGAINST CANADA.” I thought it was so funny to see that USA Today had nothing better to do than cover a story about Canada. Sure it deals with the US as well, but the irony is certainly there. I chose clips from the dark side of the moon because I thought they were so open-ended in that movie, that they would fit perfectly into mine. It turns out I was absolutely right. I make it look like Donald Rumsfeld was talking specifically about my fake war. It’s almost like Wag The Dog in a way, but I actually went to war, I didn’t fabricate it. But I did what they did. I instilled fear into the hearts of people who didn’t think that something like this would ever be possible. As for the end of the movie, I like to see when zombies or T-rex’s take over the earth so I thought that was a particularly nice touch if I say so myself. Overall, I would say that the movie was a great success. I have picked up many useful tips along the way that will better me when I make my next movie for you, Dr. Snee. The movie itself was an absolute blast to make, and I’m glad to see the positive response my movie initially got when viewed informally by my classmates.

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